Elopmentally regulated. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, e. Hardingham, G.E Bading, H. Syptic versus buy CASIN Extrasyptic NMDA receptor siglling: implications for neurodegenerative disorders. t. Rev. Neurosci., e. Hardingham, G.E Fukuga, Y Bading, H. Extrasyptic NMDARs oppose syptic NMDARs by triggering CREB shutoff and cell death pathways. t. Neurosci., e. Harris, A.Z Pettit, D.L. Extrasyptic and syptic NMDA receptors form stable and uniform pools in rat hippocampal slices. J. Physiol., e. Hubbard, C.M Redpath, G.T Macdold, T.L VandenBerg, S.R. Modulatory effects of aluminum, calcium, lithium, magnesium, and zinc ions on [H]MK binding in human cerebral cortex. Brain Res., e. Huettner, J.E Bean, B.P. Block of NmethylDaspartateactivated existing by the anticonvulsant MK: selective binding to open channels. Proc. tl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., e. Ivanov, A Pellegrino, C Rama, S Dumalska, I Salyha, Y BenAri, Y Medi, I. Opposing role of syptic and extrasyptic NMDA receptors in regulation with the ERK activity in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. J. Physiol., e. Le Meur, K Galante, M Angulo, M.C Audit, E. Tonic activation of NMDA receptors by ambient glutamate of nonsyptic origin inside the rat hippocampus. J. Physiol., e. Leveille, F El Gaamouch, F Gouix, E Lecocq, M Lobner, D Nicole, O Buisson, A. Neurol viability is controlled by a functiol relation between syptic and extrasyptic NMDA receptors. Faseb J., e. Martel, M Wyllie, D.J Hardingham, G.E. In creating hippocampal neurons, NRBcontaining NMDA receptors can mediate siglling to neurol survival and syptic potentiation, PubMed ID:http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/188/1/34 and also neurol death. Neuroscience, e. Martel, M.A Ryan, T.J Bell, K.F Fowler, J.H McMahon, A AlMubarak, B Komiyama, N.H Horsburgh, K Kind, P.C Grant, S.G Wyllie, D.J Hardingham, G.E. The subtype of GluN Ctermil domain determines the response to excitotoxic insults. Neuron, e. Milnerwood, A Gladding, C Pouladi, M Kaufman, A Hines, R Boyd, J Ko, R Vasuta, O Graham, R Hayden, M Murphy, T Raymond, L. Early boost in extrasyptic NMDA receptor siglling and expression contributes to phenotype onset in Huntington’s disease mice. Neuron, e. kayama, K Kiyosue, K Taguchi, T. Diminished neurol activity increases neuronneuron connectivity underlying silent sypse formation as well as the speedy conversion of silent to functiol sypses. J. Neurosci., e. Okamoto, S Pouladi, M.A Talantova, M Yao, D Xia, P Ehrnhoefer, D.E Zaidi, R Clemente, A Kaul, M Graham, R.K Zhang, D Vincent Chen, H.S Tong, G Hayden, M.R Lipton, S.A. Balance among syptic versus extrasyptic NMDA receptor activity influences inclusions and neurotoxicity of mutant huntingtin. t. Med., e. Papadia, S Soriano, F.X Leveille, F Martel, M.A Dakin, K.A Hansen, H.H Kaindl, A Sifringer, M Fowler, J Stefovska, V Epipinoresinol methyl ether McKenzie, G Craigon, M Corriveau, R Ghazal, P Horsburgh, K Yankner, B.A Wyllie, D.J Ikonomidou, C Hardingham, G.E. Syptic NMDA receptor activity boosts intrinsic antioxidant defenses. t. Neurosci., e. Papadia, S Stevenson, P Hardingham, N.R Bading, H Hardingham, G.E. Nuclear Caand the cAMP response elementbinding protein household mediate a late phase of activitydependent neuroprotection. J. Neurosci., e. Parsons, C.G Quack, G Bresink, I Baran, L Przegalinski, E Kostowski, W Krzascik, P Hartmann, S Danysz, W. Comparison of the potency, kinetics and voltagedependency of a series of uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists in vitro with anticonvulsive and motor impairment activity in vivo. Neuropharmacology, e. Puddifoot, C Martel, M.A Soriano, F.X Camacho, A.Elopmentally regulated. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, e. Hardingham, G.E Bading, H. Syptic versus extrasyptic NMDA receptor siglling: implications for neurodegenerative problems. t. Rev. Neurosci., e. Hardingham, G.E Fukuga, Y Bading, H. Extrasyptic NMDARs oppose syptic NMDARs by triggering CREB shutoff and cell death pathways. t. Neurosci., e. Harris, A.Z Pettit, D.L. Extrasyptic and syptic NMDA receptors form stable and uniform pools in rat hippocampal slices. J. Physiol., e. Hubbard, C.M Redpath, G.T Macdold, T.L VandenBerg, S.R. Modulatory effects of aluminum, calcium, lithium, magnesium, and zinc ions on [H]MK binding in human cerebral cortex. Brain Res., e. Huettner, J.E Bean, B.P. Block of NmethylDaspartateactivated present by the anticonvulsant MK: selective binding to open channels. Proc. tl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., e. Ivanov, A Pellegrino, C Rama, S Dumalska, I Salyha, Y BenAri, Y Medi, I. Opposing role of syptic and extrasyptic NMDA receptors in regulation from the ERK activity in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. J. Physiol., e. Le Meur, K Galante, M Angulo, M.C Audit, E. Tonic activation of NMDA receptors by ambient glutamate of nonsyptic origin in the rat hippocampus. J. Physiol., e. Leveille, F El Gaamouch, F Gouix, E Lecocq, M Lobner, D Nicole, O Buisson, A. Neurol viability is controlled by a functiol relation among syptic and extrasyptic NMDA receptors. Faseb J., e. Martel, M Wyllie, D.J Hardingham, G.E. In developing hippocampal neurons, NRBcontaining NMDA receptors can mediate siglling to neurol survival and syptic potentiation, PubMed ID:http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/188/1/34 together with neurol death. Neuroscience, e. Martel, M.A Ryan, T.J Bell, K.F Fowler, J.H McMahon, A AlMubarak, B Komiyama, N.H Horsburgh, K Type, P.C Grant, S.G Wyllie, D.J Hardingham, G.E. The subtype of GluN Ctermil domain determines the response to excitotoxic insults. Neuron, e. Milnerwood, A Gladding, C Pouladi, M
Kaufman, A Hines, R Boyd, J Ko, R Vasuta, O Graham, R Hayden, M Murphy, T Raymond, L. Early improve in extrasyptic NMDA receptor siglling and expression contributes to phenotype onset in Huntington’s disease mice. Neuron, e. kayama, K Kiyosue, K Taguchi, T. Diminished neurol activity increases neuronneuron connectivity underlying silent sypse formation as well as the rapid conversion of silent to functiol sypses. J. Neurosci., e. Okamoto, S Pouladi, M.A Talantova, M Yao, D Xia, P Ehrnhoefer, D.E Zaidi, R Clemente, A Kaul, M Graham, R.K Zhang, D Vincent Chen, H.S Tong, G Hayden, M.R Lipton, S.A. Balance between syptic versus extrasyptic NMDA receptor activity influences inclusions and neurotoxicity of mutant huntingtin. t. Med., e. Papadia, S Soriano, F.X Leveille, F Martel, M.A Dakin, K.A Hansen, H.H Kaindl, A Sifringer, M Fowler, J Stefovska, V McKenzie, G Craigon, M Corriveau, R Ghazal, P Horsburgh, K Yankner, B.A Wyllie, D.J Ikonomidou, C Hardingham, G.E. Syptic NMDA receptor activity boosts intrinsic antioxidant defenses. t. Neurosci., e. Papadia, S Stevenson, P Hardingham, N.R Bading, H Hardingham, G.E. Nuclear Caand the cAMP response elementbinding protein family members mediate a late phase of activitydependent neuroprotection. J. Neurosci., e. Parsons, C.G Quack, G Bresink, I Baran, L Przegalinski, E Kostowski, W Krzascik, P Hartmann, S Danysz, W. Comparison on the potency, kinetics and voltagedependency of a series of uncompetitive NMDA receptor antagonists in vitro with anticonvulsive and motor impairment activity in vivo. Neuropharmacology, e. Puddifoot, C Martel, M.A Soriano, F.X Camacho, A.
Calcium Channel